Target Pest Control

Street: 24 Albion St.
City: Anstey
County: Leicester
Federal State: East Midlands
Country: UK
Postcode: LE7 7DD
Phone: 0845 055 4992
"We are committed to providing a fast, confidential service to both the public and private sector."
"We offer a full range of services by professional technicians trained in the latest techniques so we can get the job done quickly and efficiently."
"We are a member of The British Pest Control Association and hold the Safe Contractors Certificate so you can be assured of receiving top quality customer care from our qualified staff."
"One of the service we offer is Feral Bird Control: Pigeon pins / anti roosting pins make it impossible for pigeons to land. Effectively and humanely  preventing  pigeons from perching and roosting on your property."
"Wide range of units available & we can advise on the most suitable unit for your specific requirements."
Located in: East Midlands

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