WildThings Wildlife Control

Street: 1308 Victoria Drive
City: London
Federal State: ON
Country: Canada
Postcode: N5Y 4E4
Phone: 519-435-1470
Favorite Rank: 4

"WildThings Wildlife Control is a professional wildlife control company that specializes in the humane removal of bats, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, birds, opossums and the control of rats and mice. Nuisance animals are not trapped and relocated but simply removed from their chosen dwellings. Then steps are taken to ensure that the empty nesting site is inaccessible to re-entry. The nesting area is then deodorized to neutralize odours to take away the attraction for future entry attempts. By using effective up to-date removal procedures WildThings is able to offer affordable permanent solutions."

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Located in: Ontario

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