Eden Advanced Pest Technologies

Street: 3425 Stoll Rd. SE
City: Olympia
Federal State: Washington
Postcode: 98501
Phone: 1-800-401-9935

"Bird pest control is a tricky proposition. Despite the growing nuisance bird populations in urban areas, there are many laws in place that protect birds in the U.S., which means it’s illegal to simply exterminate them. This forces bird abatement professionals to get creative about how we deal with these property-damaging pests.

"Here at Eden, we use a variety of custom bird pest control techniques that are not only legal but affordable, humane, safe for both humans and animals, and astonishingly effective. Here’s a look at the six primary tactics we employ:

"1. Netting. Bird netting is one of the most effective – and cost-effective – methods of bird pest control. When professionally installed around vulnerable areas of your home or business, netting can safely and harmlessly repel birds from your property. And because it’s virtually invisible unless you’re close up, it won’t interfere with your building’s architectural features or style.

"2. Spikes. Bird abatement spikes are often used in conjunction with netting. They can be placed on windows, balconies, pipes or ledges to prevent birds of any kind from landing or nesting in unwanted areas. They can also be used to protect external equipment such as air conditioners, security cameras, lights and alarm systems. Again, these are virtually invisible once installed.

"3. Electric shock strips. When placed in common roosting areas, shock strips deliver a harmless jolt to birds, which conditions them not to land there.

"4. Visual repellants. Visual devices – such as owl or coyote decoys – may also be employed to make birds feel unsafe around your property.

"5. Chemical repellants. For a more persistent bird abatement problem, a variety of non-toxic chemical repellants are available.

"6. Trapping. Finally, in some cases trapping and removal of birds from your property may be necessary. Here at Eden, we carefully follow all applicable laws and regulations regarding bird trapping and removal."

Located in: OR | WA

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