Custom Care Pest Control

Street: 5709 S Cole Road
City: Boise
Federal State: ID
Country: USA
Postcode: 83709
Phone: 208-362-9098
Favorite Rank: 3

"Bat Services: Bats are an important and vital part of our ecosystem. They are incredibly helpful at reducing the mosquito population, able to eat more than half their body weight nightly in the flying, disease-carrying insects. For the most part bats are not a nuisance, generally staying entirely outside our awareness of them. However, when a bat moves into a structure, whether it be a home, a cabin or a garage, their presence becomes very unwelcome; often leaving behind unpleasant odors from their Guano droppings and urine. In addition, they can be very noisy during the day when they are moving about in your structure."

"Because they are a beneficial animal, Custom Care does not aim to harm the bats that have invaded your space, rather, we simply want to evict them..." 

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Located in: ID

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