Bucks Pest Control Buckinghamshire

Street: 1 Milton Avenue Bletchley
City: Milton Keynes
County: Buckinghamshire
Federal State: Sputh East
Country: UK
Postcode: MK3 5BJ
Phone: 01908 371860

"At bucks pest control we provide honest, efficient, cost effective and organised solutions to all of your pest control needs, whether it’s dealing with a mouse problem or squirrel proofing your roof  - basically we have a hands on and logical solution for any pest or vermin problem that your likely to encounter domestically.  We will always ensure that we execute a discrete and courteous service whilst in your home or on your property and will always sympathise with anyone who has been affected by a pest or vermin problem."

"We are a modern organisation with a wealth of knowledge in the domestic pest control field and consistently push the boundaries of the latest management methods and continue to evolve with our industry. Pest control management carries lots of government implemented legislation, whether is regarding the licences to controlling a pest or the chemicals needed to eradicate them. So ensure that when you invite a pest controller in to your home that you select someone who is going to do it legally, humanely and safely." 

Located in: South East

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