
County: Pattingham
Country: UK
Phone: 07971 789239

"My name is Dave and for the past 21 years I have worked at local parks, country estates and sport facilities in Horticulture and grounds maintenance, but mainly specialising in lawn care."

"This is when I started to study the mole and its habits and soon realised that the only sure way to remove a mole from an area was to use a high quality trap tuned and set correctly to dispatch the mole quickly and effectively to ensure there is no suffering to the mole and not use deterrents, windmills or poisonous gases on the market, as to me, they just tended to move the mole over towards new ground thus creating more mole hills and runs. It is possible to catch a live mole but it is illegal to release it any where and would ultimately cause unnecessary suffering due to their territorial nature." 

Located in: West Midlands

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