McMillan Wildlife Control Service

Street: 5112 McCampbell Drive
City: Knoxville
Federal State: TN
Country: USA
Postcode: 37918
Phone: 865-687-6833

"McMillan Wildlife Control is a family-owned and independently operated wildlife pest control company serving the East Tennessee area with the highest quality pest control services for more than thirteen years. As development and urban sprawl consume more land wildlife habitat is not necessararily lost. Quite the contrary, wildlife either adapts or dies, and most wildlife species are thriving in urban and suburban habitat. Wildlife biologists and researchers are finding higher carrying capacities within urban sprawl areas compared to rural and wilderness areas.  Wildlife do not realize they are trespassing when they damage your property or invade your home. When wildlife does damage or becomes a nuisance, it may become necessary to trap and relocate them to a more rural area or wildlife management area."

"...we do not use chemicals but do use environmentally friendly and humane traps to catch the unwanted critters." 

Located in: TN

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